Sunday, May 10, 2015


Question: How are miracles possible if the laws of nature are fixed?

God is the Author of the laws of nature. The laws of nature indicate God's customary ways of working. To what extent they are fixed, it is impossible to say. But even if they were absolutely fixed, that would not make miracles impossible. One of the most universally recognized laws of nature is the law of gravity. According to the law of gravity, a stone lying on the surface of the earth will be drawn toward the center of the earth. However, it is quite possible for a man to come along and, if he wills to do so, to lift that stone away from the earth. The law of gravity is not violated in the least, but a higher law, the law of the human will, steps in and produces an effect just the opposite of what the law of gravity by itself would have produced. If a human being can brings things to pass that the fixed law of nature would not have brought to pass, left to itself, how much more can a mighty God who is the Creator of all things do so!

The whole argument about miracles being impossible because of the fixed laws of nature appears wise to the shallow thinker, but when we look right at it, it is found to be supremely absurd. The real question is not whether miracles are possible, but rather if they have occurred and if they are well attested. Miracles are certainly well  attested. The supreme miracle of all is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. A leading agnostic has said, "We do not need to discuss the other miracles. The whole question is, Did Jesus Christ rise from the dead? If He did, it is easy enough to believe the other miracles. If He did not, the miracles must go." He has stated the case well. If Jesus Christ did rise from the dead, then the miraculous is proven. The argument for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is simply overwhelming. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is one of the best-proven facts of history. Therefore, it is plain that miracles are not only possible but also historically certain.

Question: Has the age of miracles passed away? Why doesn't God work miracles today as in Christ's time?

There is no conclusive biblical proof that God does not work miracles today, nor is there any proof in history or experience. That physical miracles are not as frequent and abundant as they were when Jesus Christ Himself was on the earth is only to be expected. When Jesus was on the earth, He was God manifested in the flesh; but now He is with us in the Spirit, and the miracles that we should expect to see more abundantly in the present time are in the spiritual realm. Regeneration is a miracle. The raising of a spirit dead in trespasses and sins to life in Jesus Christ is a more wonderful miracle than the resurrection of the body. This miracle is constantly occurring. In fact, those who believe in Jesus Christ today are doing greater things in the spiritual realm than Jesus Christ accomplished while He was here on earth. This is only the fulfillment of Christ's own words (John 14:12).

We may expect that physical miracles will be more common again when Christ returns the second time to reign on earth.

~R. A. Torrey~

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