1. The Instrument of the Lord's Testimony in a Place of Limiting by the Will of God (continued)
Clearly the effect of these passages is that there had to be a Divine apprehension and not merely a human appraisement of Paul's position. Human levels of mentality would have produced an atmosphere of doubt, suspicion, question, and would have let in elements of false imputation. Regarded on merely natural lines, association with the prisoner would have involved such associates in the suspicion and prejudice. Doubt of the Lord's servant was very widespread, and even many of the Lord's people were not sure of him. But the Lord was shutting up a very vital revelation to this channel, and for such as were really in spiritual need, and such as were to stand in a living relation to a fullness of testimony from identification with Christ in death and resurrection, on the throne-union with Him in power over "Principalities, Powers," etc., and on to the ministry "in the ages to come," there had to be a putting aside of all human, personal, and diplomatic considerations and a standing right in there with the instrument were God had put it in honorable imprisonment. For the possession of that which is to come through the vessel, there has to be a coming where the vessel is, without consideration for reputation, influence, or popularity.
In this way the Lord sifts his people and finds out who really is wholly for Himself and His testimony, and who is actuated in any measure by other considerations and interests. The instrument in this position of popular rejection is thus the Lord's means of searching out the truly needy and pure spirited. They will search it out, and it will thus meet their need.
The other truth that remains here, then, is that -
3. Shame, reproach and limitation are Often God's ways of enriching the whole Body of Christ.
This has always been so. The measure of approximation to the fullness of the revelation has always been accompanied by a relative cost. Every instrument of the testimony has been laid under suspicion and reproach in a measure commensurate with the degree of value to the Lord, and this has meant that, humanly, they were limited to that extent. Many have withdrawn, fallen away, held aloof, doubted, feared, and questioned. But as Paul could say, "my tribulations for you, which are your glory" (Ephesians 3:13), or "The prisoner of Christ Jesus in behalf of you Gentiles" (Ephesians 1:1), so the measure of enrichment in His people. The fuller the revelation, the fewer those who apprehend, or the greater the number of those who stand aloof. Revelation only comes through suffering and limitation, and to have it experimentally means sharing the cost in some way. But this is God's way of securing for Himself a spiritual seed plot.
A seed plot is an intensive thing. There things are narrowed down to very limited dimensions. It is not a great extensive show that is immediately in view, but things are all considered firstly in the light of seed. The real meaning of things is not always recognized there, but you can travel the world over and find a great many gardens which are the expression of that intensive and restricted seed plot. If ever there was such a seed plot it was Paul's prison in Rome.
All this may apply to individual lives in relation to the Lord's testimony. There may often be a chafing against limitation, confinement, and a restless hankering after what we would call something wider or less restricted. If the Lord has willed us to the place where we are, our acceptance of it in faith may prove that it becomes a far bigger thing than any human reckoning can judge. I wonder if Paul had any idea that his prison meant his continuous expansion of value to the Lord Jesus through nineteen hundred years? What applies to individuals also applies to corporate bodies, assemblies, or companies of the Lord's people scattered in the earth but one in their fellowship in relation to the Lord's full testimony. May the Lord be graciously pleased to cause the merely human aspect of prison walls to fall away, and give the realization that, far from being limited by men and circumstances, it is imprisonment IN the Lord, and this means that all ages and all realms are entered through that prison.
~. T. Austin-Sparks~
(The End)
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