The Place of God In His House (continued)
If we take Isaiah's vision over into the New Testament, we see it confirmed there in the fullest measure. In Acts 1 we have a new beginning and we see two things there:
Christ in heaven, lofty and exalted, sitting on a throne, and: "Men of Galilee."
Nazareth was in Galilee. In a certain sense it was a 'forecourt.' One of the messages of the angels had said: "He goeth before you into Galilee." That had a special meaning. Galilee lay outside of the official religious center. Had not Jerusalem refused the Lord Jesus Christ the rights due to Him? Jerusalem had given the Lord of glory no room. They had rejected Him. They had taken what belonged to God into their own hand. That is why the Lord leaves Jerusalem. He goes to Galilee. He goes to where He is recognized. "Men of Galilee." It does not say: "Men of Jerusalem."
In chapter 1:13 we read: "They went up into the upper chamber." They did not go to the temple. The temple was the officially recognized center of religiosity in Jerusalem. But they
did not go there. They went to the upper room. They went to that place which in a vivid way speaks of separation: separation from everything that is only tradition and form. It speaks in a pictorial way of elevation, of that which is higher, separated from the earthly, because it is purposed to be heavenly.
We find Peter and John among those who are mentioned first. It is not insignificant that the new name of Peter is found at the beginning. Peter had gone through a deep experience. Peter had learned. He had learned a great deal. There had been a time in which he had raised objections at every opportunity. When the Lord wanted to go to the Cross, he had said: "This shall never be unto Thee." When Jesus wanted to wash his feet, Peter had said: "Thou shalt never wash my feet." Despite all his love for the Lord, Peter was clearly self-conscious as well as strongly assertive of his own opinions. But he had learned. When we read his Letter we see that he has much to say regarding submission. The Lord now has the place and room in Peter that He deserved!
This is the reason why his name is mentioned first in the church, because the church must be distinguished by the fact that in her the Lord has the first place. Everything depends on her being totally subjected to Him. Only thus can He fill His house.
~T. Austin-Sparks~
(continued with # 14)
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