Pride # 8
From what has been said, it appears that the spirit of pride and independence is eminently the work of the devil within our souls. It enters into the very essence of every other corruption, and is the life and soul of every other sin; and, until this is brought down and mortified, no work of God can be going on within, nor can any grace grow and thrive. In every single thought, desire, or action, which is not agreeable to God's mind and will - we are setting ourselves in opposition to and above God, as being gods to ourselves.
To destroy this spirit, is eminently the work of Christ, who came to destroy the works of the devil. Until this spirit be pulled down, the strong man armed is in his stronghold, and we are in open rebellion against Heaven. The destruction of this, is the life and strength of submission and obedience to God, of dependence on Him, and resignation to His will - and without its being destroyed, there can be neither obedience to the Law, nor submission to the Gospel; God can have no place in our hearts, nor will His ways with our approbation.
To bring us to live on God, and to Him, as His creatures, and to make us willing to be saved by Him as sinners - are things that are indispensable - and we are no further living to God or saved, than we are thus truly humbled.
Accordingly every dispensation of God towards us, both of providence and grace, has an immediate and direct tendency to bring man, in every view, out of himself, and to lay him in the dust. When we are froward and willful, determined to have our own wills and our own ways - God has a thousand ways to make us know ourselves, and to convince us that He alone is God. He will cause troubles, crosses, and disappointments, to meet us everywhere, and in everything. If one light cross will not teach us to deny ourselves - then He will double it in number and quantity, and will continue to chastise us, until we submit and acknowledge that He is God. And if the dispensations of providence have not this beneficial influence over us, that is, to bring us out of ourselves, to God - then they are worse than unprofitable and useless, they are a curse and not a blessing.
God's gracious dealings with us, by His Spirit, have also the same effectual tendency and influence - to bring us down, to convert us, and to make us as little children. "The weapons of our warfare", says the apostle, "are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
God by His providential dealings, brings us as creatures - to live on His fullness and all-sufficiency as our Creator. By the influence of His Spirit, by the way of grace - He brings us as sinners to receive and live on the Saviour and the salvation He has provided. There is not one single blessing of the gospel that can be received, but by a humble spirit. Nor can we be partakers of the consolations of Christ, but in proportion as this humble spirit prevails.
That we may receive strong consolation, and that Christ may be to us all in all - "every high" thing must be cast down, and every thought must be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. And when the gospel is made to us the power of God unto salvation - herein does its power most eminently show itself, to the everlasting glory of the Saviour, and to our own growth in true holiness, peace and joy!
~Thomas Charles~
(The End)
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