Saturday, March 14, 2020

Development of Christian Character # 2

Development of Christian Character # 2

We have fallen on different times. The language addressed to churches is not, you are, but you ought to be, the consistent followers of the Lord Jesus. O when shall we be free from that miserable theology which only chills, and paralyzes, and freezes; that false philosophy which fetters the soul, and binds the energies of the children of God; and that spirit of slumber which compels the ministry, if they would speak the truth to their people, to say, you ought to be the devoted followers of Christ; and which seals our mouth when we would say; you are living monuments of the power and grace of God?'

Let no refuge be attempted here, in the plea that the people whom Paul adressed had been heathen, and that therefore the change would be more manifest, and this sort of appeal would be more proper. True, they have been heathen; and than change was a proof which no infidel has met yet, that the gospel was from God. But the ground of the address to the primitive Christians was not what they had been, so much as what they then were.

Besides, is it reserved for us to meet a remark like this, that a people nursed in heathenism, but yesterday degraded to the level of brute, and sunk in every species of abomination, were to be addressed as actually in advance in in Christian principles of the people of our times, and trained from their earliest years in the great principles of the Christian religion? Are we to expect more living demonstrations of the power of piety from the recovered population of Athens, Corinth, and Rome, than from the people of these present times and in the churches of this land? No, my Christian brethren, the gospel contemplates it as a matter of sober fact, that we can appeal to you and to all Christians and say, you ARE - not you ought to be, the light of the world. We can approach true Christians with the language of certainty, and say, you ARE the salt of the earth; you ARE light of the world!

3. The same thing is clear if we look at the instances which are mentioned in the New Testament. In the case of Christ, it is beyond the possibility of doubt. Nor is it unfair to adduce Him as a case in which the principles of religion were developed. 

4. There is no principle in the universe that can be brought to bear on the mind with such weight as the religion of the gospel. Christians, you hold in your hands that gospel which will send peace around the globe - that glorious gospel of the blessed God that may enlighten all nations, alleviate every sorrow, comfort every mourner, and change the aspect of every kingdom and tribe of men. 

Now, when we ask what is the proper effect of a life of decided piety, or why the Saviour supposed that letting our light shine would have such an effect on men, the answer is at hand. For, 

1. It shows what men are.

2. The life of a Christian is an argument of the truth of Christianity, which he will see and know.

3. The world understands what true religion is.

4. Their is nothing so well fitted to convert men as a Christian life.

5. A fifth reason for this is, that God will in this way be honored.

A mere profession does not honor Him. A life of inactivity does not honor Him. The most stayed and formal religious regularity, where there is no Christian life, does not honor Him any more than the corpse of the dead laid in state is an honor to living men. The Christian honors God; the sun does that by His light, the moon and the stars of heaven by theirs; so does he by his light. One word spoke them all into being. But your piety cost the labors, the long agonies, the groans of God's only Son. One word may turn them all to nothing, but your piety shall show forth His praise forever and ever!

~Albert Barnes~

(The End)

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