(continued from "God" - the first post in this article)
I also use another approach with inquirers. Sometimes, I immediately begin by showing a person that there is a God from the evidences of design in nature. I take out my watch and say, "Do you think this watch had an intelligent maker?" The inquirer replies, "Yes." I ask, "Why do you think it had an intelligent maker? Did you see the watch being made?" He answers, "No." "Did you ever see a watch being made?" He replies, "No." "Then why do you think it had an intelligent maker?" He will answer, "The watch shows the marks of intelligent design, thus proving it had an intelligent maker." Then I say to him, "What about your own eye? Is it not as wonderful a mechanism as a watch? Did it not then have a Maker?"
Everywhere in nature, we find symmetry, order, beauty, law, and utility. In the minutest forms of being that are discernible by the most powerful microscope, we see the same symmetry, order, beauty, law, and utility that are observable in the larger objects with which we are familiar. All this goes to prove the existence of an intelligent Creator and Designer of the physical universe.
The evolutionary hypothesis, even if it were true, would not take away any of the force of the argument from design in nature. For if it were true that the universe as we see it today, with all its countless forms of beauty and utility, came into being by a process of development from some primordial protoplasm, the question would at once arise, Who put into the primordial protoplasm the power to develop into the universe as we see it today?
From nature, then, we learn the existence of an intelligent, powerful, and benevolent Creator. Of course, nature does not teach us some of the more profound truths about God.
~R. A. Torrey~
(continued with (God # 3)
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