Revelation 13:1
1 And I*1 stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast*2 rise up out of*3 the sea*4, having seven heads*5 and ten horns*6, and upon his horns ten crowns*7, and upon his heads*8 the name of blasphemy*9. (KJV)
Explanations from above verse: *1 I = Saint John, the author of the book of Revelation. *2 beast = The first beast, which is a one-world system. You will notice that this beast had many heads and horns. God's Word does not incorporate monsters. Multi-headed simply means 'many rulers', a federation of the world's national powers). *3 out of = From the midst of. This beast system rises from the nations of the world. *4 sea = Seas equals peoples. In the book of revelation, the waters are used to symbolically denote the peoples (see note below). *5 seven heads = This represents the entire planet, the seven regions as in the seven continents. *6 ten horns = Horns always signifies power in the Bible (both Old and New testaments). These ten horns are the ten great powerful world confederacies on the earth at the time (NATO, NAFTA (the Americas), EEC(European), APEC (Pacific rim), UN (Global), . . .) These confederacies evolve, merge, and change names too fast to be able to name them presently, but they are developing at breakneck speed in our generation, the final generation. *7 ten crowns = Crowns denote Royalty or rulership. These ten crowns are the ten leaders (kings, Presidents, Prime ministers, Secretary Generals, . . .) of the ten horns (global alliances). *8upon his heads = Upon all the world's peoples through their confederated leaders. *9 blasphemy = They are against God, scurrilous, i.e.calumnious, impious (against God); for by then the world will have thought that they have 'Figured out' their own salvation omitting God. This of couse is a blastphemy against the blood of Christ and the plan of God.
NOTE: Most often in the book of Revelation, "waters" is symbolic of the peoples of the earth:
Rev 17:15
15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. (KJV)
The planet will merge and blend all the world's different religious belief systems into one ungodly abomination. This is the last step necessary before satan can arrive and take rule of it, and thus, the world. By this time even the world's Christians will have succumbed away from the teachings of Christ and will compromise here, and compromise there, until there is no truth left.
Do we not see that happening now? Most Christians today are too busy 'spreading love and joy, peace and bliss' to stand up for their belief in Christ and for what their Heavenly father commanded them. They think they are serving God , but in the name of Christian love they are aiding and abetting the adversary, whom is satan, whom is the antichrist. Friend, you do not have to participate in the great apostasy, but to avoid it you must learn of it as God placed all instruction in the Bible for us to become forearmed with the truth and forewarned with the prophecies. But unfortunately, you will have to do much of the study on your own, for you won't learn anything more about the antichrist from the corrupted churches of today, than that he is 'one of the bad guys.' Most churches have now become compromised; just take a quick inventory.
In our generation, and even in our churches, political correctness, over-tolerance, and the 'rights of perverts' take precedent over Almighty God's Word and His commandments. What's wrong with labeling a pervert, Pervert? What's wrong with calling a false religion, False? And what's wrong with executing murderers? It's what God told us to do with them so that those things would stop happening among us. See the WHEN A CHRISTIAN TAKES A LIFE in-depth Bible study. I do not wish to appear as an alarmist or some kind of a nut, but the writing is on the wall and the pieces of the prophetical puzzle of the Bible are falling into place one by one, exactly as they were prophesied. One doesn't have to be too all intelligent to comprehend that. After all, the Bible is basically written on a forth grade reading level.
~Watchman Bible Study~
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