Friday, September 18, 2015

Spiritual Sight # 12

The Issue of Spiritual Sight (continued)

Well, ministry to be given and to be received, is all a matter of this Divine work of grace of opening eyes. It think we can leave it there, and it all constitutes one great appeal to our hearts to seek the Lord to have our eyes opened. It is never too late to get spiritual sight, however blind we may have been, and for however long, if we really man business with the Lord. But do not forget that this is a matter of being honest with God. The Lord Jesus said a wonderful thing to Nathanael. Nathanael was perilously near that double blindness. At the moment when he allowed himself to give expression to a popular prejudice, he was never near the danger zone. He said, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" That is a popular prejudice. A popular prejudice has robbed many a man and woman of knowing God's fuller thoughts. Prejudices may take many forms. Let us be careful. But Nathanael was saved. The Lord Jesus said, "Hereafter ye shall see the heaven opened, an the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man" (John 1:51). "Hereafter ..." - He meant, of course, in the day of the Spirit. "As by the Lord the Spirit", Nathanael would see. Well, he was in danger, but he escaped. If you are in danger through your prejudice, beware; forsake your prejudice, be open-hearted. Be an Israelite in whom there is no Jacob, no guile, open-hearted to the Lord, and you will see.

~T. Austin-Sparks~

(continued with # 13 - (Seeing the Lord And Seeing Ourselves)

[sorry this is so short this morning. Got much to do today!]

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