Saturday, December 2, 2017

Bible Truths Illustrated # 3

Bible Truths Illustrated # 3

Through one sin, angels left their proper habitation (Jude 6).

Through one sin, man was banished from paradise - and the eternal curse and its punishment rested upon him and his descendants.

Sin is a clenched fist - and a blow in the face of God! Sin is the only thing which God abhors! All sins, great or small, are objects of intense aversion to God.

Nothing speaks louder concerning God's hatred of sin - than Calvary! Surely, he who asserts that sin is a trivial thing, a mere ripple on the ocean of God's love - has never looked upon the Cross! In view of what it cost Jesus to atone for it - sin is heinous, hellish, and damnable! It required nothing less than the suffering and death of the Son of God on the Cross!

Suppose a man should come to the dinner table and it should be told to him: "This is the knife that cut the throat of your child!" If he could now use that knife as any other knife, would not we say, "Surely there was but little love to the child!"

Oh, with what detestation would a man fling away such a knife!

In the same way, when there is temptation to any sin - this is the knife...
which was the cause of Christ's sufferings,
which cut the throat of Christ,
which pierced His side,
which mad Christ to be a curse!

Now, will you not look on that as a cursed thing - which made Christ to be a curse? With what detestation should a Christian renounce sin - for that, and that alone, was the cause of the death of Christ!

Conformity to the world has in all ages proved the ruin of the church! It is utterly impossible to live in nearness to God - and in friendship with the world.

You call Me Master - and obey Me not,
You call Me light - and see Me not,
You call Me the way - and follow Me not,
You call Me Life - and desire Me not,
You call Me wise - and acknowledge me not,
You call Me fair - and love Me not,
You call Me rich - and ask Me not,
You call Me eternal - and seek Me not,
You call Me gracious - and trust Me not,
You call Me noble - and serve Me not,
You call Me mighty - and honor Me not,
You call Me just - and fear Me not,
If I condemn you - blame Me not.

Not a single sigh for past sins, escapes His ears;
not a groan of the heart, but is heard by Him;
not a tear falls to the ground, but He puts it into His bottle.

Not a breathing of the soul after His holiness;
not a loathing of our own unholiness;
not an act of self-abasement, or humbling ourselves for sin;
not a yearning of the soul for a purity which it has not,
not an act of mercy, done in hopes that we may obtain mercy;
not an act of self-denial,in token of our displeasure
and self-condemnation at our offences - but we shall find there.

Every fragment of our poor sorrow and service - we shall find there gathered and stored up, nothing lost.

Some look upon the Bible as a garden of spices, in which you may walk, and at your leisure pluck the flowers and gather the fruits of the Eden of God.

Most truly is it a mine, in which you must dig and labor - the wealth of which is not to be obtained without labor. The Bible is a mine rich in gold and precious things, but it must be wrought day and night in order to produce them.

~J. C. Pittman~

(The End)

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