Saturday, October 13, 2018

Profitable Reading of Scriptures # 2

Profitable Reading of Scriptures # 2

1. Read INTELLIGENTLY, as to the design of the sacred volume. If you do not set out with a clear perception of the author's design, you will be in the dark all the way through. And what is the design of the Bible? As it respects GOD, it is to reveal Himself, not simply in the unity of His essence, but also in the Trinity of His personality. "It is God in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself; not the creating, but Redeeming God, which is the great purpose of revelation. It does reveal, and clearly reveals, God as the Creator - but this is subordinate, in purpose and plan, to the exhibition of God manifest in the flesh, redeeming a lost world from sin, satan, death, and hell. Christ, as the medium of making God known, by the salvation of man, is the end of the Bible. Christ is the Alpha and the Omega of revelation. The ceremonial law was the shadow, of which He is the substance - the prophets testified of Him - the Old Testament history contains the records of His ancestors - the Psalms of David celebrate His praises - the evangelists wrote the narrative of His life and death - the Epistles contain the development of His doctrine - and the Apocalypse unfolds His future victories over His foes, and the splendor of His reign to the end of time! All the lines of Revelation center in Christ. In all your studies of the word, keep this in mind. Without allegorizing what is plain matter of fact, and nothing more; without spiritualizing what has one literal meaning; still remember that the general design of the Bible is to testify of Christ, and to reveal the moral character of God through Him.

But a second design of the Bible regards MAN, which is, through this glorious revelation of God, to restore him to the Divine favor and image, which he lost by the fall. Redemption through Christ is not simply to save us from hell, but to restore us to God; not only to His love, but to His likeness. Justification by faith in Christ, is to the end that we might receive sanctification by the Holy Spirit; having these, glorification follows as a consequence. Take this whole design in reading the Scriptures. Be ever looking for the object of faith, which is the death of Christ; for the object of love, which is the image of Christ; and for the object of hope, which is the coming of Christ. Remember that the Scriptures are given to form a particular character; a character which is distinguished by three things - holiness, spirituality, and heavenly-mindedness. 

The Bible is intended to form in me a particular character, to fashion my whole self after a prescribed manner; and am I, by reading it, and studying it, answering this end? Have I a Bible-character? Is my mind a Bible-mind? Is my heart a Bible-heart? Is my life a Bible-life? Do others see the fruit and effect of my study of the Scriptures in my likeness to the Scriptures? Do I not only read the Bible, but am I one? - a living, speaking, acting Bible?

2. Read REVERENTIALLY, remembering it is the Word of God. Realize the fact, that it is God speaking to you in every page! Read with that awe, and reverence, and trembling, with which you would listen - if Jehovah were speaking to you with an audible voice! I do not like to see the sacred volume treated with disrespect or irreverence. We are in danger of losing our reverence for the contents, if we treat them with disesteem. How would it aid us in the perusal of the Scriptures if we paused before we opened them, and reflected thus, "I am going to hear God speak to me!" How would it solemnize our minds, check our levity, and prepare us to receive the truth with all its powerful and holy influence.

3. Our perusal of the Scriptures should be HABITUAL AND CONSTANT;  and not merely occasional and accidental. Some rarely take up the Scriptures, but in a season of  trial or difficulty, or at a time of leisure, to while away an hour. This shows a great neglect, not to say contempt of the Bible. The Bible should be the "everyday" book of Christians.

4. Read the Word of God PRIVATELY. Do not satisfy yourselves with what you hear. You need opportunity for meditation, self-application, self examination, self-reproof, self-stimulus, and self-improvement.

5. Do not read at random, or trust to accident; but read CONSECUTIVELY. You must not pick and choose for some comfortable text. Read regularly through the whole Bible - from Genesis through Revelation. 

As to the study of the symbolical and unfulfilled prophecies, contained in the Book of Daniel, and the Apocalypse, this is a legitimate, and a commendable study. We must be much alone with the Bible and give ourselves to the delightful task of poring over its pages - but it is not knowledge alone that we seek but holiness. It is with this precious food of Divine truth we profit greatly.

6. It is important, if you would profit, to mix FAITH with reading. We should also read the Scriptures with earnest PRAYER for the teaching of the Spirit. The teaching of the Spirit is not be be expected apart from the truths of the word. None of us will have any more spiritual understanding than the Spirit gives us; but then He will give us as we seek by earnest and believing prayer. To grow in grace, and in knowledge, we must consult both the Book and its Divine Author. "I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of His inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of His vast strength" (Ephesians 1:17--19).

~John Angell James~

(The End)

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