Sunday, November 11, 2018

Holy Living In Preparation Of Christ's Returning # 3

Holy Living In Preparation Of Christ's Returning # 3

But you must be careful here. You must be sanctified by faith, but by faith in what? There are some who seem to think they must have faith in sanctified self. They mistake the meaning of Scripture, and speak of the possession of a sinless heart, or of having been able to live so long without sin. They put their attainments forth, as if they must believe that God has already cleansed their nature from all defilement - instead of regarding the final aim of God's dealings with them, that now self and the evil principle within should be daily mortified and kept under control - and then when Christ appears, they should be like Him, for they shall be Him as He is.

To myself, any view of the kind seems a most dangerous and deadly error. It must lead to spiritual pride. It must lead to self-glorifying. It must hinder that daily confession of sin and humiliation before God, which is so precious in His sight.

Very striking was the way in which a young lady who had held these erroneous views, very strongly repudiated them on her death-bed. Again and again before her death, with the utmost emphasis she repeated the words of John, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us?" (1 John 1:6).

And so it is. The more we see of God and His law and His holiness - the more shall we discover the treachery, the remaining deadness, coldness, unbelief, and worldliness of our own nature. The more shall we see how far we come below the standard of our Lord's life. The more shall we discern in our wandering thoughts when at prayer in our unwillingness to bear the cross, in our many failures and shortcomings - that from the first to last we can only hope to be saved as sinners washed in the blood of Christ, and having no righteousness or perfection of any kind except as we stand in Him, the holy and the sinless Redeemer.

Nevertheless, the great truth of sanctification by faith is not to be withheld because sometimes it is perverted and mistaken. You must never glory in self, but you must always glory in Christ, for power as well as for pardon and peace. You must continually, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, stir up your faith in Christ and expect Him to do great things for you. You must look to Him, to keep the serpent in you chained and harmless. You must look to Him day by day, to keep you from the least willful outbreak of your own evil heart. You must look to Him to strengthen and raise up in you the new man, and to make every grace vigorous and active. You must look to Him for more light to know what the will of God is in everything - and then for the will and the power to act in accordance with it. If you wish to be holy, live upon Christ, lean upon Christ perpetually. Make Him the first to whom you go in the morning, and the last to whom you speak at night.

Remember His presence as being always near you. Remember His love as being ever the same. Remember Him as your Shepherd, your Advocate, your Guardian and your Guide. Remember His faithful promises, and rest upon them. Remember His loving care, and depend upon it.

Remembering Jesus, trusting in Jesus, glorying in Jesus, while ever remembering your own exceeding unworthiness and sinfulness - you will grow in grace and be preserved without blame until He comes again.

The last point I would urge in this: Nothing is more helpful in holy living, than a vivid and constant recollection that Christ will soon return. It is not needful that you should be able clearly to see the sequence of events at His appearing. You may have many difficulties about the millennium and other theological concerns; but let one thought stand out clearly before you: Christ is returning in His glory, and I shall see Him and shall be like Him and with Him forever!

Cherish this hope amidst life's troubles and temptations. Let your soul be animated by the inspiring conviction that amidst all the confusion and evil and error that abound. Christ will come and put an end to all the sin under which the world groans.

Be assured that to every true Christian, the brightness and gladness of that day will be altogether beyond his utmost thoughts. Be assured that on that day, you will see the numberless answers to your prayers as you have never seen them here; and that all that has been dark and sorrowful and trying - will be manifested as among the all things that work together for your good.

"Oh quickly come, Great King of all,
Reign all around us and within;
Let sin no more our souls enthrall,
Let pain and sorrow die with sin:
Oh quickly come, for grief and pain,
Can never cloud Your glorious reign!"

~George Everard~

(The End)

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