Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Pattern of Pentecost # 2

The Pattern of Pentecost # 2

As you know, I read Spurgeon all of the time. I copied this from one of his messages:

"Let the preacher always confess before he preaches that he relies upon the Holy Spirit. Let him burn his manuscript and depend upon the Holy Spirit. It the Spirit does not come to help him, let him be still. And let the people go home and pray that the Spirit will help him next Sunday."

I have often thought about that. What if the preacher in the pulpit found that his heart was dead and his message had not the presence of God in it, and the people all went home and prayed? I don't know what would happen next Sunday. God is capable of being moved. God hears His people when they pray. And if we pray in faith and expectation for the presence of the saving, converting, convicting Spirit of God, O Lord, what could happen?

I have stood in Jerusalem where Simon Peter presented his sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-40), and I have cried in this heart, O God, do it again! Do it again!" I have stood in Samaria where Phillip preached the gospel to the Samaritans, and there was a great turning to Jesus (Acts 8:5-12). And I prayed in my soul, "O God, do it again!" I have stood in Ephesus in the theater there where Paul preached the gospel of Christ (Acts 19;1-20), and I prayed, "O God, Thy Holy Spirit, send Him again." I have stood in St. Sophia in Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul, where Chrysostom preached to thousands and thousands, and I have cried in my soul, "O God, do it again!" I have stood in the Duomo in Florence, Italy, where Savonarola like a flame from God Himself preached the gospel of Christ and turned Italy to the Lord, and I prayed, "O God, do it again!" I have stood in Aldersgate Chapel where as he says, was strangely warmed and I prayed, "O God, do it again! Do it again!. A few weeks ago, I stood in the pulpit preaching in the Moody Church in Chicago, and prayed in my heart, "O God, do it again!"

And every time Sunday comes and I prepare to stand in this sacred place where George Truett preached for forty-seven years, and I pray, "O God, come down, come down. May every soul, in divine presence, feel Thy nearness, Thy dearness, Thy preciousness, Thy saving and abounding grace. O God, do it again! Do it again! Do it again!

And to you who have listened to the message, with what infinite
 would it be to our hearts to know that you had opened your heart and your house and your home to the presence of the Holy Spirit of God, to the blessed Lord Jesus our Saviour? If you do not know how to accept Him as your Lord, call us. You will find the telephone number on the screen. There will be a dedicated somebody who knows the Lord Jesus who will lead you into that wonderful experience of accepting Him as your Saviour. Call us and God bless you as you find the greatest answer to all of the problems of life in Christ Jesus our Lord. And I will meet you in heaven some glorious and triumphant day.

And to the throng in the sanctuary, in the balcony round, in the press of people on the lower floor, down one of these aisles, "Pastor, today God has called me. I feel His presence in my own heart and this is my family, we are all coming." Or just a couple of you, you come. Or just a one somebody you, accepting the Lord as your Saviour, or putting your life with us in this ministry of Christ, a thousand times welcome and the angels attend you in the way as you answer with your life, while we stand and while we sing.

~Dr. W. A. Criswell~

(The End)

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